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Janet Evanovich: Her Newest

Wicked Charms Janet Evanovich w/ Phoef Sutton

★ ★ ★

Upon discovering that the caged pirate mannequin in the local Pirate Museum, is really the mummy of "Peg-Leg", a local gangster & prohibition era rum-runner; Lizzie Tucker, cupcake maker extraordinaire and "sensitive", once again teams up w/ Diesel. This time to find the Avarice stone, 4th of the 7 stones dedicated to the 7 Deadly Sins.

The stone is said to activate the demon mammon (who multi-millionaire & sociopath, Martin Ammon, believes he is to become).... The chase for the 8-part coin, that will decipher the map, that will locate the Blue Diamond that will find the stone is on!

Lizzie, Diesel, his cousin Wulf, Wulf's minion Hatchet, Lizzie's friends Glo & Clara are all in on the chase..... Add in Glo's friend Josh the pirate, a whacked out historian, Martin's minions, Carl the Monkey, Cat, a psychic coroner who knows the last thoughts of the deceased & Clara's grandfather who inherited several pieces of the coin, and you have mayhem & laughter.

The story was interesting, light, and amusing.... It held my interest, but wasn't as enthralling or as funny as the first in the series.....

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